Three Tips For Keeping Buffalo Fenced In

With the increase in popularity of people consuming bison meat, there is a lot of potential for success in raising buffalo. If you are thinking about raising buffalo, one of the first things you will want to keep in mind is adequate fencing. Here are three tips for keeping buffalo fenced in when planning your farm fencing system.

Make Sure It's High Enough

One of the first things you'll want to make sure of is that the fence is high enough. While buffalo appear to be slow-moving and not very agile, it is possible for them to jump over a fence. When planning your farm fencing system, you'll want to ensure the fence is between 1.5 to 1.8 m or between 5 and 6 feet high. You will also want to ensure the lowest wire of the fence is as close to the ground as possible. Doing this will alleviate any problems with buffalo finding ways to get their heads underneath the fence when looking for food or trying to get out.

Make Sure It's Tight Enough

There are different types of fencing that generally work for buffalo. Common fencing types include:

  • Page wire
  • Barbed wire
  • High tensile wire
  • Electric

Some ranchers choose to extend a strand of barbed wire fence on top of any fencing system to keep livestock from trying to reach over the fence. No matter what type of fencing you use, you'll want to make sure it's tight enough. This will prevent openings in the fence from being created. Such openings not only damage fencing systems, but can provide ways for buffalo to become loose. When building a fence, it's important that wires are tight and corner posts are adequately braced. Posts for wire fences are usually made from wood or steel.

Make Sure To Provide Adequate Food And Water

Making sure there is an adequate supply of food and water in the pasture can be the most important part of a fencing system. When there is plenty of food and water available, buffalo will be less likely to reach through the fence or try to get out. Water is especially important in the summer and since one buffalo can drink approximately 40 L (10 gallons) of water a day, adequate water supplies are a necessity.

By making sure your farm fencing system is high enough, tight enough and there is adequate food and water, you increase your chances of keeping your buffalo herd inside the fence where they belong.
