For Proper Well Placement, Know The Land

Since the earliest times of human civilization, people have been digging through the dirt and sand to reach water. Luckily, unlike people thousands of years ago, the modern landowner doesn't have to rely on their two hands to dig themselves a well. Nor do they have to rely on a dowsing rod to determine where the best spot to dig a well is – by conducting a groundwater survey, they can be assured of digging the right well in the right spot.

Well Placement Considerations


It goes without saying – a well without water isn't much of a well. In order to find the right spot to dig for water, you need to know where that water is going to come from: the aquifer. By conducting a groundwater survey, you can be sure that you're digging into the aquifer and will hit water.

The amount of rainfall and runoff in an area is also important because the water pumped out of an aquifer through a well needs to be replenished. Areas that are prone to seasonal drought need to take this into account with wells that can function when water levels drop.


There's more to well water than just hitting the aquifer. Different rocks and materials in and around the aquifer can affect how water moves through it. The material of the aquifer is always porous and permeable, which is what allows it to hold water. If this layer of porous rock is slanted, the aquifer will also be slanted, which means that it will drain differently and that wells at different points will need to be dug to different depths.

Knowing the makeup of the ground also allows you to predict how the water will react to temporary droughts as well as to the effects of the well itself. Drilling a well into an area where the aquifer will be easily depleted is no good. And wells can require different drilling and construction techniques depending on the type of ground they are dug through, whether that means fracturing hard rock or putting in screened casing to prevent sand and gravel from entering the well.


In coastal areas, shallow groundwater may contain salt. In areas where roads are treated with salt, that salt can also penetrate the ground and end up in the water. And if you're digging a well in an area with a river or stream, it's important to keep your well far enough from the stream to avoid contamination from runoff.

It's important to know what common contaminants are found in your area and place your well to minimize their effects. Proper well placement also means avoiding septic systems and underground utilities. Hiring a professional to place and dig your well can help avoid all these problems as well as make sure you're in compliance with any state or local regulations about where wells can be dug.

For more information, contact a business such as Field Drilling Contractors Ltd.
